Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Detailed idea

Our story revolves around the relationship between a young boy and his favourite inanimate object, his Lego. The boy has no friends and spends almost all of his time in his bedroom playing with his lego, constructing his own fantasy world in order to gain back some of the control over his life that has been removed by his control freak of a mother. The boy's lack of friends and social life has very little to do with his lack of ability to make friends or a lack of people wishing to be his friend, he simply prefers the controllable relationship that he has with his Lego.

At the beginning of the story the young boy is a stereotypical 'Mummy's boy' who always does his mother's bidding and adheres to her wishes and demands no matter how controlling or unreasonable they may seem. This is reflected in the cleanliness and tidiness of his room and the pristine condition of his clothes and hair at all times, despite this being far from the norm when it comes to a young boy. The mother clearly adores her young son and still talks to him as if he were a toddler suggesting that she has a real fear of him growing up, perhaps explaining her need to be a control freak when it comes to parenting and disciplining the boy. Although the mother will not be shown much throughout the story her influences will be clear; whether it is through the boy's homework being done early instead of on time or a plate of food being sat in the boy's room 'just in case he gets hungry'.

Throughout the story the boy will be shown to be slowly growing tired of his mother's control of him and small acts of rebellion will begin to occur. Initially it will only be something small such as him leaving his bed unmade once he gets up in the morning, however, these acts of rebellion will soon get larger and more and more obvious. His emotions during this turbulent time will be shown through the world that he constructs using his Lego until he eventually snaps and, as the ultimate act of rebellion, he destroys all that he has constructed never to touch it again.

The act of him destructing everything that he has made shows him finally destroying the control which his mother has had over him up to that stage in his life. It will be at this stage that the story will end, leaving the audience on a cliff hanger but also suggesting that the boy will be leading a life free of his  mother's obsessive control from this point onwards.

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