Thursday 19 September 2013

Location ideas

As I started to think of possible locations for my story to be placed, I started to think of how the boy would be spending so much time in his bedroom (due to his lack of social life). This led me to start to look further into the different styles of young boys' bedrooms as I do not have much experience in this area myself. Due to the boy's control freak mother, I imagine that his room would be relatively bare and immaculately clean and ordered. I had a brief thought of the boy having an extremely messy and cluttered room as an act of rebellion towards his mother, however, I soon dismissed this as, at the boy's age, it is likely that his mother would take charge of keeping the room neat and tidy.

The main colour schemes that I identified in the bedrooms that I researched were blue of all shades, cream, orange, yellow, red and white; expectedly steering away from the generic 'girly' colours like pink and purple etc. 

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