Thursday 13 June 2013

The Great Gatsby

The first thing that I noticed about this trailer was that the music played at points throughout was exceptionally modern considering that the film is set in the early 1920's at the turn of the jazz age. The music creates a more modern feel to the story and could have been used as a tool to attract a younger audience who may have not been interested in the story previously. (After seeing this film in the cinema a few days ago I learnt that this modern music is played throughout suggesting that the film makers were keen to keep the attention of a younger audience who may have seen the film as too old fashioned). As well as creating a modern feel the music creates a sense of anticipation and excitement, particularly at the start of the trailer, as the deep bass could be likened to the Jaws music in the sense that it leaves the viewer with a feeling that something big is about to happen. By putting this music in from the very offset it will attract the audience as they will become curious as to what event this music could be leading up to. The sounds and images of the fireworks that erupt when Daisy asks about Gatsby giving the viewer an insight into the core relationship that will be predominant throughout the film. 

The first time the viewer sees Gatsby it is from a low-angle shot, this starts to convey Gatsby's importance to the film to the viewer as low-angle shots are often used to make the thing or person that they are showing seem important and, in some cases, menacing although I do not believe that is the case in this trailer. The importance of Gatsby is also conveyed when four shots of characters questioning and talking about Gatsby are shown edited together. The trailer is also very effective in establishing the location of the film and the importance that it will play, this is achieved by the use of an establishing shot at the very start of the trailer and the first thing said in the voice over for the trailer being the words New York. Warner Brothers' logo being displayed at the very start of the trailer could be to attract the potential audience to the film as it is a globally well known company as it has produced many famous films such as the Harry Potter films. The shot length throughout the trailer is predominantly short which suggests that the film is fast-paced and creates excitement within the viewer, this will then attract them to seeing the film. 

There is a large emphasis on the director as his name is shown before the names of the actors etc., this is effective in attracting viewers who liked past films of his such as Romeo and Juliet and Moulin Rouge who's titles are shown shortly after his name. The music played throughout the middle chunk of the trailer is quite sombre which is a juxtaposition to the lavish, extravagant parties which are being shown at the time. Unlike a lot of trailers, there is quite a large focus on actors; this is shown when Leonardo DiCaprio's name is shown about three quarters of the way through the trailer. As he is a very popular actor he will attract a large audience to the film regardless of the plot (especially withing the female audience after his roles in 'Romeo and Juliet' and 'Titanic'). Seeing as the film has many big-name actors, these are displayed in regular intervals after Leonardo's name suggesting that the main selling point for this film is the cast as opposed to the story, which is based on a very popular book. This could be because it is likely that those who have read the book may be of a higher age than who they are initially trying to target. 

The shot length gets increasingly shorter towards the end of the trailer creating the sense within the viewer that it is leading to a climax. This climax is the title for the film being shown shortly followed by the release date of the film and the prospect of seeing it in 3D which will appeal to the younger audience. There is very little focus on the companies involved in the film who are shown right at the very end of the trailer as it is not likely to be something that their target audience is interested in. The style of the writing and titles that are shown fits in perfectly with the art deco style that was popular at the time period shown in the film, this creates a sense of context for the viewer as they can understand more about the style of the time.

Overall, I do not believe that this is the best trailer for this movie as the music seems slightly out of place. I do not disagree with the use of modern music, however, I do feel that a different genre would have been more suitable. That being said it does effectively convey the main themes of love, corruption and deception to the viewer.

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